This is a social organization i.e. non-governmental organization, duly registered under Indian trust act 1882 established it in the year 1998. Out working area is whole country but presently mainly we are working in the BIHAR and JHARKHAND States. The organization is enrolled with income tax department & it has been issued PAN Number. It is also registered under 80g of the Income Tax Department Rule. Under this scheme the donors of our organization gets rebate in Income Tax.
For the all-around development of the society the development of weaker-section people of the society, down trodden of the society and depressed women should be taken into consideration. Taking consideration of the above fact, we are very much attentive for the development of such persons of the society. Only them we can achieve the goal of all-around development of the society. This organization is free from any consideration of cast creed and religion. Presently we are working in four sectors i.e. Social, Cultural, Health and Education.

We are mainly working for the improvement of common people health and education level thus improving the standard of living and life style. Our Main Area of Working is :

Donate us to help orphans and peoples who really need somebody help their life. Donate Now.
We accept donation via bank transfer A/C Name : Ankur foundation A/C Number : 424501010040355 IFSC : UBIN0542458